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Unix Vs Mac Os

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Move over Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, Linux is gaining ground with speed and stability. In past articles, we have primarily dealt with the two mainstream operating systems (OS), but there is another that is dominating the world – Linux.

What is Linux

Linux is, in simplest terms, an operating system just as are Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. It's the software on a computer that enables the computer operator to interact between applications (software) and hardware. Many people are inclined to think that Windows is the standard while Mac OS X and Linux are rogue operating systems. Quite the contrary. Windows is a DOS (Disk Operating System) based OS while Mac and Linux are based on the very first OS – Unix.

Actually, there are number of OS's that you may install on your home computer. A quick list of the other more popular ones are; Solaris Sun by Oracle, Free BSD, Chrome, Android, Os2 / Os2 Warp, React OS, AtheOS, SkyOS, and Free DOS. Only Mac and Windows use TV ads to promote their product, yet Linux is gaining a lot of market-share considering it has only word-of-mouth advertising.

As an operating system, Linux is developed collaboratively, meaning that its development and ongoing support is not the responsibility of one company, but rather all of them collectively. Companies participating in the Linux community share research and development costs with their partners and competitors. This would be the equivalent of Microsoft and Apple sharing technology, resources, and cost. We all know that doesn't happen and probably never will.

Linux OS is comprised of two parts, the Kernel (code that makes up the core OS) and the GUI, (Graphical User Input.) There are only a handful of Kernels, but the GUI that makes the distribution (a combination of Kernel and GUI) are plentiful. The most popular are Mint, Ubuntu, Red Hat, Suse and Debian.

Windows is a DOS (Disk Operating System) based OS while Mac and Linux are based on the very first OS – Unix. Actually, there are number of OS's that you may install on your home computer. A quick list of the other more popular ones are; Solaris Sun by Oracle, Free BSD, Chrome, Android, Os2 / Os2 Warp, React OS, AtheOS, SkyOS, and Free DOS. Windows: Which OS Really Is the Best? When it comes to performance, usability, security, and specific tasks, which of the two leading desktop operating systems reigns supreme? Mac studio fix foundation coverage. Master Linux with our power bundle course (96% off): Unix was started by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie and some other engineers i. Mac OS X is based on Darwin, and is therefore correctly titled as a Unix operating system, complete with Unix certification. Because it's built differently than Windows, programs made for. Windows won't work under Mac OS X, unless the application is made cross-platform to make it work over. Several operating systems.

Where is Linux

Linux has grown remarkably since its first release in 1991, powering everything from the New York Stock Exchange to mobile phones to supercomputers and consumer devices such as smart refrigerators and washing machines. Linux began as a server OS and has become useful in desktop and laptop systems, gaining popularity with leaps and bounds.

Long press on photo homepage title to view. Windows and OS X are predominantly found on personal computers, but Linux's adaptability to work well on 'wristwatches to supercomputers' gives the OS an edge over the other two. Quite simply put, most of the web pages that you visit each day are hosted by Linux servers, not Windows or Mac. Linux can also be installed at the factory when you purchase a new personal computer / laptop online from places such as Dell Computers.

Surprisingly, even Windows 10 contains binaries identical to the binaries running on an Ubuntu platform. (Binaries are the core function code found imbedded in the OS.)


Since Linux is an open operating system built by the masses, it costs nothing to the end user. That's right, FREE. Unlike the bloated priced Microsoft Windows or Mac computers, Linux is free to download and install on as many computers as you like and there is no registration or activation required. Just to set things straight, I like Mac computers. After all they are Unix based like Linux, but the cost of purchasing a Mac is just too much for me. While the Linux distributions may be free, the biggest cost associated with Linux is the learning curve. The time a company devotes to training its employees on a new OS is often more than they are willing to pay at this time.

Final thoughts

The advantage of Linux over Windows is Linux is more stable and virtually virus free. It's also much faster at starting up, running applications and shutting down. With Linux, there is no 'blue screen of death' as associated with Windows. The list of major advantages could go on for pages, but you get the gist of it. What is the best search engine for mac.

In my professional opinion, anyone wanting to migrate over to Linux should start with either Mint or Ubuntu. These seem to be the most Windows-like and user friendly of the more than 100 distributions I have worked with. If you would like more information, please email me at

What is UNIX?

The UNIX OS was born in the late 1960s. AT&T Bell Labs released an operating system called Unix written in C, which allows quicker modification, acceptance, and portability.

Mac os vs unix

It began as a one-man project under the leadership of Ken Thompson of Bell Labs. It went on to become most widely used operating systems. Unix is a proprietary operating system.

The Unix OS works on CLI (Command Line Interface), but recently, there have been developments for GUI on Unix systems. Unix is an OS which is popular in companies, universities big enterprises, etc.

What is LINUX?

Linux is an operating system built by Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki in 1991. The name 'Linux' comes from the Linux kernel. It is the software on a computer which enables applications and the users to access the devices on the computer to perform some specific function.

The Linux OS relays instructions from an application from the computer's processor and sends the results back to the application via the Linux OS. Mac office student version. It can be installed on a different type of computers mobile phones, tablets video game consoles, etc. Mac yash lipstick review.

The development of Linux is one of the most prominent examples of free and open source software collaboration. Today many companies and similar numbers of individuals have released their own version of OS based on the Linux Kernel. Adobe flash photoshop download.

Unix Vs Mac Os And Windows


  • Linux source code is available to the general public whereas, in Unix, the source code is proprietary.
  • UNIX OS was created in the late 1960s at AT&T Bell Labs whereas Linux is an operating system built by Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki in 1991.
  • Linux is a clone of Unix
  • Linux default shell is BASH while the Unix shell is Bourne Shell.
  • Linux threat detection and solution are very fast while Unix users require longer wait times to get the proper bug fixing patch.
  • Important versions of Linux are Redhat, Ubuntu, OpenSuse, Solaris, whereas important versions of Unix are HP-UX, AIS, BSD, etc.

Features of Unix OS

  • Multi-user, multitasking operating system
  • It can be used as the master control program in workstations and servers.
  • Hundreds of commercial applications are available
  • In its heydays, UNIX was rapidly adopted and became the standard OS in universities.

Features of Linux Operating System

  • Support multitasking
  • Programs consist of one or more processes, and each process have one or more threads
  • It can easily co-exists along with other Operating systems.
  • It can run multiple user programs
  • Individual accounts are protected because of appropriate authorization
  • Linux is a replica of UNIX but does not use its code.

Difference between Unix and Linux

Basis of Difference LinuxUnix
CostLinux is freely distributed, downloaded through magazines, Books, website, etc. There are paid versions also available for Linux. Different flavors of Unix have different pricing depending upon the type of vendor.
DevelopmentLinux is Open Source, and thousands of programmer collaborate online and contribute to its development. Unix systems have different versions. These versions are primarily developed by AT&T as well as other commercial vendors.
UserEveryone. From home users to developers and computer enthusiasts alike. The UNIX can be used in internet servers, workstations, and PCs.
Text made interfaceBASH is the Linux default shell. It offers support for multiple command interpreters. Originally made to work in Bourne Shell. However, it is now compatible with many others software.
GUILinux provides two GUIs,viz., KDE and Gnome. Though there are many alternatives such as Mate, LXDE, Xfce, etc. Common Desktop Environment and also has Gnome.
VirusesLinux has had about 60-100 viruses listed to date which are currently not spreading. There are between 80 to 120 viruses reported till date in Unix.
Threat detectionThreat detection and solution is very fast because Linux is mainly community driven. So, if any Linux user posts any kind of threat, a team of qualified developers starts working to resolve this threat. Unix users require longer wait time, to get the proper bug fixing patch.
ArchitecturesInitially developed for Intel's x86 hardware processors. It is available for over twenty different types of CPU which also includes an ARM. It is available on PA-RISC and Itanium machines.
UsageLinux OS can be installed on various types of devices like mobile, tablet computers. The UNIX operating system is used for internet servers, workstations & PCs.
Best featureKernel update without reboot Feta ZFS - next generation filesystem DTrace - dynamic Kernel Tracing
VersionsDifferent Versions of Linux are Redhat, Ubuntu, OpenSuse, etc. Different Versions of Unix are HP-UX, AIS, BSD, etc.
Supported file typeThe Filesystems supported by file type like xfs, nfs, cramfsm ext 1 to 4, ufs, devpts, NTFS. The Filesystems supported by file types are zfs, hfx, GPS, xfs, vxfs.
PortabilityLinux is portable and is booted from a USB Stick Unix is not portable
Source CodeThe source is available to the general public The source code is not available to anyone.
Unix Vs Mac Os

It began as a one-man project under the leadership of Ken Thompson of Bell Labs. It went on to become most widely used operating systems. Unix is a proprietary operating system.

The Unix OS works on CLI (Command Line Interface), but recently, there have been developments for GUI on Unix systems. Unix is an OS which is popular in companies, universities big enterprises, etc.

What is LINUX?

Linux is an operating system built by Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki in 1991. The name 'Linux' comes from the Linux kernel. It is the software on a computer which enables applications and the users to access the devices on the computer to perform some specific function.

The Linux OS relays instructions from an application from the computer's processor and sends the results back to the application via the Linux OS. Mac office student version. It can be installed on a different type of computers mobile phones, tablets video game consoles, etc. Mac yash lipstick review.

The development of Linux is one of the most prominent examples of free and open source software collaboration. Today many companies and similar numbers of individuals have released their own version of OS based on the Linux Kernel. Adobe flash photoshop download.

Unix Vs Mac Os And Windows


  • Linux source code is available to the general public whereas, in Unix, the source code is proprietary.
  • UNIX OS was created in the late 1960s at AT&T Bell Labs whereas Linux is an operating system built by Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki in 1991.
  • Linux is a clone of Unix
  • Linux default shell is BASH while the Unix shell is Bourne Shell.
  • Linux threat detection and solution are very fast while Unix users require longer wait times to get the proper bug fixing patch.
  • Important versions of Linux are Redhat, Ubuntu, OpenSuse, Solaris, whereas important versions of Unix are HP-UX, AIS, BSD, etc.

Features of Unix OS

  • Multi-user, multitasking operating system
  • It can be used as the master control program in workstations and servers.
  • Hundreds of commercial applications are available
  • In its heydays, UNIX was rapidly adopted and became the standard OS in universities.

Features of Linux Operating System

  • Support multitasking
  • Programs consist of one or more processes, and each process have one or more threads
  • It can easily co-exists along with other Operating systems.
  • It can run multiple user programs
  • Individual accounts are protected because of appropriate authorization
  • Linux is a replica of UNIX but does not use its code.

Difference between Unix and Linux

Basis of Difference LinuxUnix
CostLinux is freely distributed, downloaded through magazines, Books, website, etc. There are paid versions also available for Linux. Different flavors of Unix have different pricing depending upon the type of vendor.
DevelopmentLinux is Open Source, and thousands of programmer collaborate online and contribute to its development. Unix systems have different versions. These versions are primarily developed by AT&T as well as other commercial vendors.
UserEveryone. From home users to developers and computer enthusiasts alike. The UNIX can be used in internet servers, workstations, and PCs.
Text made interfaceBASH is the Linux default shell. It offers support for multiple command interpreters. Originally made to work in Bourne Shell. However, it is now compatible with many others software.
GUILinux provides two GUIs,viz., KDE and Gnome. Though there are many alternatives such as Mate, LXDE, Xfce, etc. Common Desktop Environment and also has Gnome.
VirusesLinux has had about 60-100 viruses listed to date which are currently not spreading. There are between 80 to 120 viruses reported till date in Unix.
Threat detectionThreat detection and solution is very fast because Linux is mainly community driven. So, if any Linux user posts any kind of threat, a team of qualified developers starts working to resolve this threat. Unix users require longer wait time, to get the proper bug fixing patch.
ArchitecturesInitially developed for Intel's x86 hardware processors. It is available for over twenty different types of CPU which also includes an ARM. It is available on PA-RISC and Itanium machines.
UsageLinux OS can be installed on various types of devices like mobile, tablet computers. The UNIX operating system is used for internet servers, workstations & PCs.
Best featureKernel update without reboot Feta ZFS - next generation filesystem DTrace - dynamic Kernel Tracing
VersionsDifferent Versions of Linux are Redhat, Ubuntu, OpenSuse, etc. Different Versions of Unix are HP-UX, AIS, BSD, etc.
Supported file typeThe Filesystems supported by file type like xfs, nfs, cramfsm ext 1 to 4, ufs, devpts, NTFS. The Filesystems supported by file types are zfs, hfx, GPS, xfs, vxfs.
PortabilityLinux is portable and is booted from a USB Stick Unix is not portable
Source CodeThe source is available to the general public The source code is not available to anyone.

Limitation of Linux

  • There's no standard edition of Linux
  • Linux has patchier support for drivers which may result in misfunctioning of the entire system.
  • Linux is, for new users at least, not as easy to use as Windows.
  • Many of the programs we are using for Windows will only run on Linux only with the help of a complicated emulator. For example. Microsoft Office.
  • Linux is best suitable for a corporate user. It's much harder to introduce in a home setting.

Limitations of Unix

  • The unfriendly, terse, inconsistent, and non-mnemonic user interface
  • Unix OS is designed for a slow computer system, so you can't expect fast performance.
  • Shell interface can be treacherous because typing mistake can destroy files.
  • Versions on various machines are slightly different, so it lacks consistency.
  • Unix does not provide any assured hardware interrupt response time, so it does not support real time response time systems.

Unix Vs Mac Os X

Linux Market share compared to other OS

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